Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Project 365

Signed up today. Sounds like fun. I’ve always been intrigued with the notion of what is going on in other places, in other people’s lives, all at the exact same moment I am experiencing something. This will be a version of that. I will have to use my iphone camera until I find where I have carefully placed (misplaced!) my digital camera!! So, the thought occurred to me: why not document my own journey through the next 365 days in my healthier WOL (Way of Life)? I love the quote I found somewhere: “A year from now you’ll be glad you started today.” Have it taped up on my fridge.

So as I take my random pics of living in the world I inhabit, I am also going to take a daily photo of my physical self – my own little personal mobile home here on planet earth – and see what kinds of transformations have transpired by July 20, 2011!

This is actually a pretty big deal for me – and it will be a good practice in self-discipline. Mainly because I am pretty right-brained, and really resist the idea of that kind of conformity. The idea of being committed to carry out a project like this daily for an entire year gives the resist-all-strictness-and-goal-setting me no little cause for pause. However, I am trying hard to be a grown-up (when necessary) these days - which may be a good thing since exactly one month from today I’ll have my 58th birthday!
Here goes!!! :D

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